Church and Legal Requirements

We require you to participate in our marriage preparation course. Please contact us if you have questions about the course at [email protected]

Everyone being married at St George-in-the-Pines is required to participate in our faith basics Alpha Course. It is a fun and relaxed 7-week course where all questions are allowed, you can’t fail, and you can’t get kicked out! 

It is your responsibility to obtain a Marriage Licence from the Province of Alberta and bring to your wedding rehearsal.

All are welcome in the Anglican Church, however to be married at St. George's at least one of you must have been baptised in a Christian church. 

The Anglican Church of Canada allows for the marriage of divorced persons. If one or both persons wishing to be married are divorced, please advise us when making your application to be married at St. George's in order that we might process your application according to Canon Law.

While not obligatory, it is a longstanding tradition to present an offering of altar candles to the church where your marriage takes place, and you can conveniently acquire these candles for your offering by following this link.

photo credit: Justine Milton