Wedding Booking Fee

Small Wedding

with up to 20 guests | $1200 with rehearsal / $1000 without rehearsal

Full Wedding

with more than 20 guests | $1500 with rehearsal

Locals Rate

We have a locals rate available to anyone who lives in the Bow Valley. Let us know if you live in Banff, Canmore, Lake Louise, Exshaw or Deadman's Flats.  

All wedding packages include:

Officiant's fee

Bell-ringer's fee

Administrative fee

Once you have spoken with our Wedding Administrator and availability of the church has been confirmed, please fill out the booking form below. When we have received the form we will contact you for a meeting with one our ministers.

After that conversation, you will provide a non-refundable deposit of $250. The deposit may be paid online by PayPal, cheque/money order, or e-transfer to [email protected].

Make A Payment